Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 1: Complete

Yesterday was my first official day of work. I was kind of nervous throughout most of the morning because, well, I was beginning my first day of work in New York City.

Being here over Spring Break really helped my knowledge of the Subway - so I took to R all the way through Brooklyn and up to Times Square. I got off around 42nd Street because I hadn't gotten to see the City yet and I felt like it would be a good time to do so (I still had a half an hour to kill). So, I began walking around the GREATEST city in the world - looking at the tall buildings, moving people, scrolling marquees, vendors, business people and street performers. It was like one of those movie moments - you know? Only to be interrupted by the fact that my sandal got caught in a uneven part of the street and I bit it. Like collapsed and fell in the middle of 49th and Broadway. OF COURSE THAT WOULD HAPPEN!

So I popped up and kept moving, praying that the new Page I was starting with wasn't 3 feet behind me. Anyways, I made it to the Ed Sullivan Theater without tripping anymore...and got to go up without too much of a headache.

As I walked into the office - there were two new pages that greeted me (so yeah - last one to arrive). Dan and Kyle had both just been hired like me and were beginning the same week I was. So we talked about where we were all from and where we went to school...Jersey and Michigan for the two boys...and me BSU :)

Then we went back and filled out a ton of paper work...learned about everything that we as Pages have to do during the job - coffee break - and then we got a tour of the studio. It was actually being turned into the Survivor Finale so it didn't look anything like the actual theater - but it was still really cool to see that.

After we got done with the tour, we got to go back upstairs - get our official badges - and just as we were about to watch the the Late Show’s official Sexual Harassment video (from the 70's) we ran out of time.

Lucky for us, we get to come in early on Monday!!

Overall, it was a really good day and I'm really looking forward to working there!


  1. I wanna hear about meeting Dave :)


  2. I lived at 439 W 46th St. until I was 4. It's a short walk from the theatre. The apt. building is still there. We lived on the 5th floor. W 46th is now all nice, cozy restuarants. In 1960 it was called Hell's Kitchen.
